Anyway, news came out today that Jason Varitek has proposed to his girlfriend. Congrats to Tek, but here comes the question for our beloved catcher and captain... Does he take on her name or keep his own? You may say this is quite the easy decision as his current name is widely known. BUT... if he takes on her name, he could 1-up Salty, and have the longest name in MLB history (15 letters).
Her name you may ask? Panagiotopoulos
To make it easier for you to count: Panag-iotop-oulos
Anyway, I think Jason Panagiotopoulos could catch on! Although I'm still not sure how to pronounce that.


... and before you judge, I never said I was an artist.

I think he should hyphenate. THen he'll be sure to have the longest name. Maybe his new nickname could be Vari-Pans?!