The Senate is about to go to a final vote to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' which prohibits homosexuals from openly serving in the military. My question is how has such a law taken so long to be repealed?
If someone is brave enough to risk their life to protect this country, who is to stop them? Whether they are gay or straight, white, black or green, tall or short, why should we prevent them from fighting for our freedom?
America is a country filled with a variety of people that prides itself on the freedom people have to be who they want. Too many people have issues with the way other people live their lives. In my eyes, as long as someone is not hurting others, or forcing me to change my ways - leave them be. 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is going against everything this country stands for and I'm glad such a law will finally end.
We're in the 21st Century and still struggling with the same issues that have torn people apart for decades. Everyone has a right to their opinion and I cannot force you to change yours. That being said don't limit the choices of others because you disagree with who they are.
Very thoughtful banter